
Academic books; as author (IBa)

(2015). Arendt, Levinas and A Politics of Relationality. In: Assiter A., van der Zweerde E. (Eds.), bookseries: Reframing the Boundaries: Thinking the Political. London: Rowman & Littlefield International. 304 pages.

Academic books; as editor (IBe)

(2018). Ethics for Psychologists: A Global and Case-Based Approach. Editor: Anya Topolski. Sage Publishing.

(2016). Is there a Judeo-Christian Tradition? A European Perspective. (Topolski, A., Ed., Nathan, E., Ed.). De Gruyter.

Articles in internationally reviewed academic journals; as editor (ITe)

(2022) Special Issue of Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies on the Intersection of Race and Religion in African Political Communities. Co-edited with Josias Tembo.

(2020) Special Issue of the Journal Political Theology on Jean Bodin’s  and the Sovereignty of Exclusion. Co-edited with James Renton.  Issue 6, Volume 21, 2020

(2019) Special Issue of the Journal The European Legacy on Judith Butler’s Parting Ways. Co-edited with Louis Klee. Response by Judith Butler.

Articles in internationally reviewed academic journals (IT)

(2023). The Race Religion Constellation. In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Ed. John Solomos. Section: Histories/Origins, Ed. Nasar Meer. Routledge.

(2022) Exploring the Entanglement of Race and Religion in Africa. Co-author: Josias Tembo. Special Issue of Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies on the Intersection of Race in Religion in African Political Communities. Co-edited with Josias Tembo.

(2022) On race and religion in African political communities: an interview with David Theo Goldberg. Co-author: Nyanchama Okemwa. Special Issue of Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies on the Intersection of Race in Religion in African Political Communities. Co-edited with Josias Tembo.

(2020) The Dangerous Discourse of the ‘Judeo-Christian’ Myth: Masking the Race-Religion Constellation in Europe. Patterns of Prejudice. Genealogies of ‘Jews’ and ‘Muslims’: Social Imaginaries in the Race–Religion Nexus. A special issue guest-edited by Yolande Jansen and Nasar Meer Volume 54. Issue 1 & 2. 71-90.

(2020) Bodin Now; or, What’s Wrong With Intellectual History? In the Special Issue of the Journal Political Theology on Jean Bodin’s and the Sovereignty of Exclusion. Co-edited with James Renton.  Issue 6, Volume 21, 2020. 475-478. 

(2020) Nation-States, the Race-Religion Constellation, and Diasporic Political Communities: Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, and Paul Gilroy. Special Issue of the Journal The European Legacy Judith Butler’s Parting Ways or Ways of Cohabitation. Guest Editors: Anya Topolski & Louis Klee.  Volume 25, Issue 3. 266-281. 

(2020) Parting Ways or Ways to Cohabitation – Introduction with Louis Klee. 2020) Special Issue of the Journal The European Legacy Judith Butler’s Parting Ways or Ways of Cohabitation. Guest Editors: Anya Topolski & Louis Klee.  Volume 25, Issue 3. 234-247.

(2020) Rejecting the Rhetoric of Uniqueness: The First Step Towards Semitic Solidarity. Jewish Quarterly

(2018) Review Essay: Breaking the Post-Shoah Silence About Race in Europe: Whiteness, Antisemitism and Islamophobia.  Critical Philosophy of Race. Issue 6.2. 

(2018) The Race-Religion Intersection: A European Contribution to the Critical Philosophy of Race. Critical Philosophy of Race. Issue 6.1

(2017) Good Jew, Bad Jew: ‘Managing’ Europe’s Others. Ethnic and Racial Studies (Special issue ‘Islamophobia and Surveillance: Genealogies of a Global Order’). Ed. James Renton.

(2017). The Islamophobic Inheritance of the Resurrected Saint Paul: From F.C. Baur’s Judeo-Christianity to Badiou and Žižek’s Event. ReOrient: The Journal of Critical Muslim Studies. Vol II, No. 1

(2016). Tzedakah: The True Religion of Spinoza’s Tractatus? History of Political Thought, 37(1), pp. 78-106.

(2014). Spinoza’s True Religion: The Modern Origins of a Contemporary Floating Signifier. Societate si Politica, 8(1), 41-59.

(2014). Relationality: An Ethical Response to the Tensions of Network Enabled Operations in the Kunduz Airstrikes. Journal of Military Ethics, 13(2), 158-173.

(2014). Relationality as a ‘Foundation’ for Human Rights: Exploring the Paradox with Hannah Arendt and Emmanuel Levinas. Theoria and Praxis. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Thought, 2(1), 1-17.

(2013). Power, Peace and the Political: Arendt’s Alternative to Perpetual Peace. Journal of Peace Studies, 6(3), 57-68.

(2012). Gendering the Contemporary Debates in Political Philosophy. Hypatia. A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, 27(1), 231-236.

(2011). The Ethics and Politics of Teshuvah: Lessons from Emmanuel Levinas and Hannah Arendt. The University of Toronto Journal of Jewish Thought, 2 (epub).

(2011). The Right To Be Children: An Arendtian Exploration of Our Responsibility To Grow Up. Childhood & Philosophy, 7(14), 171-190.

(2010). Reconsidering Rebekah: Struggles with Faith and Jewish Tradition. Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, 15(2), 12-19.

(2008). Creating Citizens in the Classroom. Hannah Arendt’s Political Critique of Education. Ethical Perspectives, 15(2), 259-282.

Article in academic book (IHb)

(2023) What Do Women Have To Do With It? Race, Religion and the Witch Hunts. Purple Brains. Ed. Annabelle Dufourcq, Annemie Halsema, Katrine Smiet and Karen Vintges, Radboud University Press.

(2021) Race, Religion and Refugees: Arendt’s Ambiguous Analysis of Nation-States Ed Maria Robaszkiewicz. Hannah Arendt: Challenges of Plurality. Springer.

(2019) Race in relation to law and politics with Nawal Mustafa in VHI-Bundel Diversiteit Ed. Claartje Bulten, Charlotte Perquin-Deelen & Mijke Sinnighe Damsté. Van der Heijden Instituut Series. Deventer: Wolters Kluwer 2020.

(2019). Hannah Arendt en Kinderrechten: Het recht om niet te hoeven vechten voor je rechten. In: de Graaf J. (Eds.), bookseries: Ars Aequi Libri, Kind, recht en filosofie. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.

(2019) Good Jew, Bad Jew: ‘Managing’ Europe’s Others. Ed. James Renton Islamophobia and Surveillance: Genealogies of a Global Order’. Reprinted by Routledge.

(2016). A Tale of Europe’s Identity Crisis by Way of the ‘Judeo-Christian’ Signifier. In: Topolski A., Nathan E. (Eds.), Is there a Judeo-Christian Tradition? A European Perspective. De Gruyter.

(2016). The Myth of a Judeo-Christian Tradition: Introducing a European Perspective. In: Topolski A., Nathan E. (Eds.), Is there a Judeo-Christian Tradition? A European Perspective. De Gruyter.

(2016). Hannah Arendt’s Philosophy of Education. In: Cooper J. (Eds.), Routledge Encyclopaedia of Educational Thinkers. Routledge.

(2015). With Bracke, S., and N. Fadil. Religie, de zevende betekenaar. In: Coene, G., Van Den Bossche, M. (Eds.), Vrij(heid) van religie. VUB Press.

(2015). Mourning the Loss of My Daughter: The Failure of Inter-Faith Bereavement Rituals (forthcoming). In: Moyaert M., Geldhof J. (Eds.), Ritual Participation and Interreligious Dialogue: Boundaries, Transgressions and Innovations. Bloomsbury Academic.

(2014). Les origines judaïques de la Vera Religio de Spinoza. In: Landenne Q., Storme T. (Eds.), bookseries: Philosophie politique: généalogies et actualités, L’actualité du Tractatus de Spinoza et la question théologico-politique, Chapt. 8. Bruxelles: Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 121-134.

(2014) With Royyakers, L. Military Robotics & Relationality: Criteria for Ethical Decision-Making. van den Hoven J. et al. (Eds.),  Responsible Innovation 1, (Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands), 351–67.

(2013). Les Droits de l’Homme au-delà de L’Être : À la recherche d’un sens post-fondationniste chez Arendt et Levinas. In: Botbol-Baum M., Roviello A. (Eds.), bookseries: Annales de l’Institut de Philosophie de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, Arrachement et Evasion: Levinas et Arendt Face à l’Histoire. Paris: Vrin, 163-187.

(2013). An Ethics of Relationality: Destabilising the Exclusionary Frame of Us versus Them. In: Ingelaere B., Parmentier S., Haers J., Segaert B. (Eds.), bookseries: Rethinking Political Violence, Genocide, Risk and Resilience: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Chapt. 5. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 85-97.

(2012). Was European Multiculturalism Destined To Fail?. In: Garner S., Kavak S. (Eds.), Debating Multiculturalism 2. London: Dialogue Society, 85-98.

(2010). Peacekeeping without Banisters: The Need For New Practices That Go Beyond Just War Theory. In: M. F. (Eds.), At War For Peace. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 45-56.

(2009). Listening to the Language of the Other. In: Hofmeyr B. (Eds.), Radical Passivity: Rethinking Ethical Agency in Levinas. Dordrecht: Springer, 180-208.

(2008). On Freedom in Athens and Jerusalem: Arendt’s Political Challenge to Levinas’ Ethics of Responsibility. In: Burggraeve R. (Eds.), The Awakening to the Other: A Provocative Dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas. Leuven: Peeters, 215-240.

(2007). Universal Political Messianism: A Dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas’ First Talmudic Reading. In: Crombez T., Vloeberghs K. (Eds.), On the Outlook: Figures of the Messianic. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 141-150.

(2005). The past as a possible obstacle to Poland’s future: dialogue and reconciliation. In: Buksinski T., Dobrzanski D. (Eds.), Eastern Europe and the challenges of globalization. Washington: CRVP, 271-282.

Article in other academic book (AHb)

(2019) Tien Gedachten over Gedachteloosheid in Hannah Arendt: Leven in waarheid. Ed. Luk Brouckheart. Series:  Spiritualiteit in Economie & Samenleving

(2018) La constellation race-religion: langage, libération et colonialisme. Actes du colloque. Les Modernités Contestées. UCAD, Dakar.

(2014). In verscheidenheid verenigd? De mythe van een Europese eenheid. In: De Bom E. (Eds.), Europese Gedachten. Beschouwingen over de toekomst van de Europese Unie, Chapt. 4. Kalmthout – Zoetermeer: Pelckmans – Klement, 95-108.

(2009). “De kinderen in haar lichaam botsten hard tegen elkaar” (Ber 25,22): De Worsteling Tussen Rebekah en Jakob. In: Moyaert M. (Eds.), Worsteling met het woord, Chapt. 11. Kapellen: Pelckmans: Mens & Tijd, 141-155.


(2009) Original text by Levinas, E. Sociality and Money. Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications.

Reviews (RE)

(2019) The Holocaust and the Nakba (Bashir Bashir and Amos Goldberg (eds), Patterns of Prejudice.

(2015). Dispatches from the Diaspora: On the Jewish Question, Anti-Semitism, Israel and Zionism. In: Journal of the British Society of Phenomenology.

(2015). Secularism: The Genealogy of Laïcité in France. Assimilation: From the 19th to the 21st century. Multiculturalism: A Hopeful Plea for Europe. Ethnicities, 15(2), 8-13.

(2015). The Muslims Are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror by Arun Kundnani. Studies in Interreligious Dialogue.

(2012). The Crises of Multiculturalism: Racism in a Neoliberal Age. In: Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 74 (3), 622-623: Peeters Publishers.

(2009). Post-Foundational Political Thought. Political Difference in Nancy, Lefort, Badiou and Laclau. In: Political studies review, 7 (1), 105-105: Blackwell Pub.

(2009). Connecting Heidegger and the Jews?. Tijdschrift voor filosofie, 71 (2), 401-2.

(2008). Yiddish Civilization. In: Shofar, 26 (2), 187-189: University of Nebraska Press.

(2006). Driven Back to the Text: The Premodern Sources of Levinas’s Postmodernism. In: Louvain Studies, 31 (3-4), 370-372: K.U.Leuven, Faculty of Theology.


(2016). Mijn Jodendom, Mijn Anarchisme en Milly Witkop’s Tzedekah. (voorwoord) In: Siegbert Wolf, Open de poorten van de vrijheid: Milly Witkop (18771955), anarchiste en feminist (vertaling Johny Lenaerts) Utrecht: Kelderuitgeverij, 9-29.

(2015). With Konijnendijk Nellie. Sexisme in de ivoren toren. In: #seksisme: Nee. Wij overdrijven niet. (Ed. Catherine Ongenae). Uitgeverij Polis.